Thursday 6 April 2017

Manuela Lehman is discussing Tower Houses - which proliferated over the Delta and elsewhere in Egypt, although often only the foundations survive. Such houses are still built in Yemen, Saudi Arabia and Oman to give an idea of the way cities of tower-houses may have looked. The house seems to have been built from the Late Period to the medieval period in fact - a good example of how once something is recognised archaeologically, suddenly they turn up all over. In the British Museum are tiles from For Shalmaneser, Nimrud dating to the Late Period - relatively unstudied until Manuela recognised that aside from a battle scene with Libyan prisoners, river there were tower houses in Egypt date to c. 670 BC. Other Assyrian battle scenes show similar compositions and perhaps ultimately derive from Ramesses II at Qadesh. Another depiction has just been recognised in a site in Middle Egypt - with drain pipes, as noted in legal papyri with law suits when they damaged neighbouring houses.
This paper shows the further work that Manuela has carried out on this topic in the last two years - it seems to be very broad.

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